CEREC 4.6 SW Release

September 10, 2018 ~ Leave a comment

The latest iteration of CEREC software was officially announced June 7, 2018, although as with previous software versions, rollout is likely to be done in phases through Q3 and Q4 2018. With this new software version Dentsply Sirona has made it faster and easier to produce a restoration than ever before, claiming an excellent restoration can be accomplished with just 5 clicks of your mouse. Previously tedious processes such as setting the preparation margin and model axis have been fully automatized using artificial intelligence. This systematic automation in addition to a 20% faster calculation time, improved proposals from the Biojaw algorithm, and seamless integration with both CEREC Connect and inLab software make this update quite the accomplishment. Watch the video below for a visual demonstration of the improvements.

*CEREC 4.6 SW is not compatible with CEREC AC Bluecam systems.


CEREC 4.5 Software is Here! Read on for Important Changes

June 22, 2017 ~ Leave a comment

As was the case with the 4.4 release, the 4.5 software is geared almost exclusively towards the Omnicam scanner. Automatic shade detection is perhaps the most attractive new feature in the latest version of CEREC design software. Unfortunately, it looks like the early Omnicam cameras (2012-2013) don’t have the hardware components built into them to take advantage of this feature. In response to this, Dentsply Sirona is offering CEREC Club members without a compatible camera a “low-cost” exchange option. For $3,400, you can trade in your Omnicam camera for a new one (REF 6625797) that is shade detection compatible.

To find out if your Omnicam camera is compatible with this new feature or not, visit https://my.cerec.com/en/products/cerec-sw.html and submit your Omnicam’s serial number. The website has instructions on how to find out your Omnicam’s serial number as well as additional information on other software changes.

Bad news for Compact Milling unit owners: your trusty old workhorse is officially no longer supported in the 4.5 software version. The MC, MC X and MC XL are the only mills able to take advantage of the improvements to the BioJaw algorithms and completely new milling/grinding strategies for the internal surfaces and external contacts. If you have both a compact mill and one of the compatible milling units, you can run both 4.4 and 4.5 software on the same acquisition unit and switch back and forth on a case-by-case basis. If you want to trade in your compact mill for a 4.5 compatible milling unit, Patterson is offering up to $20,000 in discounts through September 1, 2017.


2017 CEREC Buyers Guide

January 4, 2017 ~ 1 Comment

Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.

-Malcolm Gladwell

Happy New Year from CAD/CAM HERO! The start of a new journey around the sun is a great time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the one ahead. If one of your goals this year is to add CEREC dentistry to your practice, then you’ve come to the right place. This blog post aims to provide up-to-date market information to help readers with making a CEREC purchase in 2017.


Let’s start with scanning systems. Sirona currently sells two versions of their CEREC Acquisition Centers: Bluecam and Omnicam. You can view a comparison of the Bluecam and Omnicam below:


What’s the functional difference between a new Bluecam AC and a used Bluecam AC?

At best, the computer hardware offers superior performance, but it’s definitely not a given. Sirona stopped making new hardware configurations for the Bluecam ACs in 2012. So any new Bluecams sold today are really no better than those sold five years ago. Considering there are many used Bluecam options available for under $10,000, purchasing a new Bluecam is akin to donating an assistant’s annual salary to a $13.3 billion dollar company. Needless to say, that would be an inexplicable waste of money.

What’s the functional difference between a new Omnicam AC and a used Omnicam AC?

Not much. As is the case with Bluecams, the only difference in technology between the Omnicams over the years are minor computer hardware updates (processor and/or graphics cards). These updates produce minimal performance enhancements that most likely go unnoticed by the casual user. However, unlike with Bluecams, there is a major shortage of used Omnicams available in the secondary marketplace. This is because 99% of used Omnicam ACs are being sold in combination with a milling unit and oven. Any solo Omnicam AC that hits the market is usually snatched up within a matter of days. Unless a new scanner is released by Dentsply Sirona in 2017, I do not anticipate this market condition to change anytime soon. If you do happen to find an Omnicam for sale outside of a package deal, expect to pay an asking price in the $40s.

How old is too old when it comes to CEREC ACs?

This question mainly applies to Bluecams, because no Omnicams are “too old”. I want to start off by saying that ALL CEREC ACs (even older Bluecams) can run the latest CEREC software without issue. This is because the Bluecam camera is less taxing on the computer system than the Omnicam camera, thus it can make do with older components. However, if you feel the need for speed you can soup up any Bluecam with a few easily installed upgrades at a cost of around $500. I recommend you add an MSI GeForce GTX 650 Ti graphics card, a solid state drive, and additional RAM.

Which CEREC software versions or licenses should I look for?

The last chargeable update that required a new license to use is version 4.4– released in September 2015. The latest service pack update is 4.4.4, which was released in October 2016. The service packs can be downloaded from Sirona for free. If you are considering an AC that needs to be updated to 4.4, the only pre-requisite license required is 4.0. In other words, as long as you have the 4.0 base license you can skip 4.2 and 4.3 on your way to 4.4. It’s not necessary to have all four licenses to upgrade.

Other licenses you should be aware of include:

Connect 4.0: allows you to use Sirona’s Connect 4.x software versions so you can send cases to approved labs for fabrication. You can download this software for free here.

inLab Stack 4.0: follow the jump for a full description here.

Ortho SW 1.0: allows you to create digital models in CEREC Ortho software for Invisalign treatment. This software only works with Omnicams.

Open GALILEOS Implant: allows you to use Sirona’s implant planning software in conjunction with a Sirona 3D x-ray to make CEREC or SICAT surgical guides.

CEREC 4.3 SW: released July 2014. Prerequisite for CEREC Guide 2. Full software description available here.

CEREC 4.2 SW: released June 2013. Expands design options to include: customized implant abutments, smile design (use a patient photo to virtually place a restoration to see how the patient looks), and a virtual articulator to simulate the patient’s jaw movements so the user can find the static and dynamic contact points.

CEREC 4.0 SW: released August 2011. Prerequisite for CEREC Guide 1. Modern era software that introduced an intuitive user interface, self-explanatory icons, and photorealistic images.

CEREC 3.8 SW: released August 2010. This is older gen software mainly geared towards CEREC 3 users. If you are considering a CEREC AC with 3.8 SW, factor in the cost to upgrade immediately using 4.x software/licenses sold on eBay.

What other factors should I consider when purchasing a used AC?

The prismatic lens sleeve is a consumable part that can be expensive to replace. Check for a clear lens that does not interfere with acquisition quality.

Be sure to ask if the seller has the camera calibration kit to include with the sale.

Hardware upgrades are nice, but if the upgrade was not performed by a Patterson technician then any remaining factory warranty is void.

Milling Units

Sirona currently offers a range of milling options in an effort to cater to different needs and price points:

CEREC MC- offers indications similar to the old classic milling units. This mill is designed for practices who focus on single-tooth inlays, onlays, crowns, and veneers. It is capable of working with blocks up to 20 mm in size.

CEREC MC X- this mill occupies the role held by the MC XL milling unit up until 2013. It offers a full range of chairside indications and builds upon the MC’s capabilities by also fabricating bridges, abutments, surgical guides and blocks up to 40 mm.

CEREC MC XL Practice Lab- formerly known as the MC XL Premium Package. This mill is easily identifiable by its 4-motor milling chamber and is made for the dental practice with an onsite lab. In addition to the indications of the MC X, it can fabricate bridge frameworks, customized implant abutments, surgical guides, telescopes, bars, attachments and blocks up to 85 mm.

What’s the functional difference between a used milling unit and a new milling unit?

Sirona has made both branding and functional changes to their milling unit portfolio over the past few years.. This has created a lot of confusion among prospective CEREC owners as they attempt to compare used mills with the latest offerings. For example, the MC XL is now called the MC X, and the MC XL Premium is now known as the MC XL Practice Lab. Marketing strategies aside, the bottom line is that used milling units have 90% of the functionality that new milling units have. The one specific capability that sets the new milling units apart is the ability to dry mill. In March 2016, Sirona equipped their latest line of mills with new precision tools and a device to vacuum up mill shavings. The resulting achievement was a dry carbide milling option in addition to the traditional wet grinding functionality. This dry mill capability along with Sirona’s new SpeedFire sintering furnace are the backbone of Sirona’s Chairside Zirconia workflow.

Can you wet mill zirconia blocks with older milling units?

Yes. Beginning in 2013, Sirona milling units came standard with carbide bur compatible motors and offered to upgrade older mills for existing users as well. Any milling unit with a serial number higher than the following will have a carbide bur compatible motor:

129001 (MC XL)

302001 (MC XL Practice Lab)

231001 (MC X)

202001 (MC)

In addition to the motor you will need a manual block chuck, carbide and zirconia burs (Shaper 25rz, Shaper 25, Finisher 10), and a sintering oven to finish the restoration.


How does Patterson handle the transfer of ownership among CEREC users?

Your Patterson rep might give you the silent treatment for a little while until they get over the loss of their commission, but most of our customers report seamless ownership transfers. There is a one page form called the Notice of Change in Practice Ownership (the title is kind of misleading) that is completed by both the buyer and the seller. The form is then submitted by the seller to their local Patterson branch for processing. There is no fee to transfer ownership of a CEREC.

Will I be able to get service and support from Patterson/Sirona if I buy used versus new?

Yes. Sirona has a contract with its distributors that stipulates they must service and support all systems originally sold within their distribution territories. If the CEREC was originally sold by Patterson in the USA, then they are required to support that system whether you were the original purchaser or not. This is not to say that all CERECs you’ll find in the secondary market are eligible for service and support. Some US users will import CERECs from Europe because they cost much less there than in the states. In that case, you would probably get virtual support from Sirona Germany directly, but likely very little help from Patterson. It is important to get the serial numbers of the units you are considering before making a purchase and running them by the CEREC specialists at the Patterson Technology Center. If you come across any unit that does not have a serial number, then you’d be on your own if that machine ever went down.

How long does Sirona warranty a CEREC system and is it transferable to a new owner?

Sirona provides a 7-year warranty from the original date of installation if the machines are enrolled in the service club. You can enroll in the service club at any time and enjoy the remainder of the warranty, even if the original owner was not a service club member.

How much does the service club cost to join?

Doctor to doctor transfers are free of charge. That means if you purchase a used CEREC that was not active on the service club, and decide to sign up, you can do so without paying a penalty. There is a “joiners fee” (up to $2,000) for original owners who forego the service club and decide to join at a later date (like when their machine goes down or they want a free software upgrade). The monthly service club fee is $299 + tax.


Thank you for reading. What questions do you have? Please e-mail them to thecadcamhero@gmail.com so we can build upon this post!

If you would like expert and effective help with purchasing or selling a used CEREC system, call the used CEREC experts at (844) 385-4376.

Implantology with CEREC Workflow

December 20, 2016 ~ Leave a comment

The future belongs to those who prepare for it.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

The topic of implantology has become a recurring theme in my conversations with GPs looking to add CEREC capability to their practice. There is definitely a noticeable shift in the marketplace to expand into what is being called the “largest growth opportunity” of the next 10 years. Technological and procedural advancements have led to higher implant success rates and decreased treatment time; these factors along with changing demographics and increased insurance coverage have created the perfect storm for a boom in implantology. Many GPs are pursuing advanced education and technology now to prepare themselves for the implant opportunities of tomorrow. So the question becomes, how can CEREC help position your practice for implant success? Simply put, it equips you with the tools necessary to keep the procedure (and additional revenue) within your own practice. Here is an overview of the CEREC Integrated Implantology Workflow (source: http://www.integrated-implantology.com):


Overview- click to expand.


Scan- click to expand.


Plan- click to expand.


Place- click to expand.


CEREC Guide 1 vs. CEREC Guide 2 vs. SICAT OptiGuide- click to expand.

What you need to develop a CEREC Guide.

Hardware & Software Requirements to Develop a CEREC Guide- click to expand.

CEREC Guide Operation Instructions

CEREC Guide Operation Instructions- click to open .pdf.


Restore- click to expand.

I hope this information has provided you with at least a general understanding of the CEREC integrated implantology workflow. For additional information, I recommend you visit advanced education sites like www.cerecdoctors.com or www.cadstar.org.

For information on which CEREC systems offered by CAD/CAM HERO, LLC will help meet your implant needs, please give us a call at (844) 385-4376 or visit www.cadcamhero.store. Thanks for visiting!

How to Care for Your CEREC

December 19, 2016 ~ Leave a comment

Take care of things, and they will take care of you.

-Shunryu Suzuki

A collection of maintenance videos produced by CADStar.tv organized in one place for your convenience: How to Calibrate Your CEREC Bluecam, How to Calibrate Your CEREC Omnicam, How to Calibrate Your CEREC MC XL, How to Calibrate Your Ivoclar Oven, How to Maintain Your MC, MC X or MC XL Milling Unit, How to Unblock Your MC XL Waterport, How to Clean Your MC XL Water Tank.

Used CERECs and the Section 179 Tax Deduction

September 14, 2016 ~ Leave a comment

You must pay taxes. But there’s no law that says you gotta leave a tip.

-Morgan Stanley

What is the Section 179 Deduction?

It is part of a tax stimulus package geared towards small businesses that allow you to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and/or software from your gross income as opposed to writing off a little at a time through depreciation. The maximum deduction limit in 2016 is $500,000.

What equipment qualifies for this deduction?

Most new and used “business equipment” purchased and put into use between January 1st and December 31st of the tax year you are claiming qualifies. This includes:

Equipment purchased for business use

Tangible personal property used in business

Business vehicles over 6,000 lbs


Computer software

Office furniture

Office equipment

Large manufacturing tools & equipment

Can I still deduct the full amount if I lease or finance the equipment?

Yes. This is actually a popular financial strategy among businesses because it allows you to deduct the full amount of the purchase without paying in full, which improves cash flow and increases profit margins.

Does used equipment qualify for bonus depreciation?

No. Bonus depreciation (50%) is taken after the $2,000,000 spending cap has been reached.

Where can I get more detailed information about this deduction?


Call (844) 385-4376 for help with a used CEREC purchase and take full advantage of the 2016 Section 179 tax deduction!


$40K Off a Brand New CEREC! Deal or Deception?

August 28, 2016 ~ Leave a comment

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.


If you haven’t already heard, effective 2/29/2016, Sirona and Dentsply merged to create the largest manufacturer of dental consumables and technology in the world. This has brought about a lot of questions, especially regarding Sirona’s CAD/CAM exclusivity agreement with Patterson Dental that is set to expire in September 2017. Will the profitable agreement be extended? Or will Dentsply’s lucrative consumables relationship with other distributors such as Henry Schein influence the new decision makers into opting-out? Early indications are that Sirona will allow Schein to join Patterson in the CEREC game. Although one can’t say for sure just yet, we do know changes are coming.

The company now known as Dentsply Sirona has released details of their latest Ultimate CAD/CAM Buy Back program, in which they are offering up to $40,000 toward the purchase of a new CEREC system with the trade-in of your current CAD/CAM machine. This promotion lasts through October 28, 2016 (extended through 12/31/2016) and brings the price of a CEREC AC Omnicam, MC X and Sirona CEREC SpeedFire sintering furnace to $103,000 before taxes/delivery. This trade-in credit is reduced to $20,000 after December 31st and runs through April 28, 2017.


Trade-In Screenshot


We have seen these trade-in offers before as they have historically preceded the release of new technology. In May 2012, Sirona and Patterson promoted their “Wake Up to Trade Up Opportunity”, in which they offered a free Keurig Coffee Maker if you invited your Patterson rep to visit your office and demonstrate the CEREC AC Bluecam system. After the demonstration, they would offer you $54,000 towards a new CEREC AC Bluecam and MC XL in exchange for your CEREC 3 system. That promotion ended June 22, 2012. On August 16, 2012, Sirona released the CEREC AC Omnicam. Anyone that took the bait and purchased the Bluecam during the promotion period were in disbelief when they found out it would cost another $27,500 to upgrade to the Omnicam just two months later. For anyone unfortunate enough to purchase their Bluecam prior to January 1, 2012, the cost to upgrade was a staggering $40,000, even though most Bluecam owners still had not recouped their initial investment. This situation created a substantial contingent of unhappy CEREC users, who feel they were taken advantage of.

If we look back at the evolution of CEREC since its commercial introduction to the world in 1987, an average of 6.25 years have elapsed between CEREC generations. As mentioned before, the Omnicam debuted in August 2012, which means a major new CEREC development is probable before late 2018/early 2019. I’ll be the first to admit that I do not have any direct knowledge of the reasons why Sirona is offering such a large incentive to buy a new CEREC machine at this time, but I do know that the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. Rumor has it that this new CEREC promotion is a last ditch effort to offload Sirona’s remaining Omnicam inventory before they release the “next big thing” at Dentsply Sirona World next September in Las Vegas.

So, how does all this affect the used market? For starters, we are likely to see an increase in demand for CEREC 3 or other cheap CAD/CAM systems in the short term so they can be sacrificed in the trade-in program. There will also be price adjustments to used Omnicam systems that take into account the current offers from the manufacturer. In spite of this, I think this is good news for the used CEREC market because it proves once again that purchasing a three or four year old CEREC is a much a surer investment versus buying new. There are no pricing games. You will not pay $20,000 more because you were a day too late. Even those that manage to get a $40,000 credit will still pay at least 20% more (plus interest) than they would if they had bought used for virtually the same equipment. Now that Patterson’s service plan extends the warranty out 7 years, many used systems still have 3-4 more years of coverage left. I believe many buyers will see that $40,000 credit or not, you still can’t beat the house at its own game. If a dentist can come to peace with the fact that it’s economically impractical to “keep up with the Joneses” in dental technology, they will come to enjoy the serenity of patience and fiscal discipline. You don’t want to be like the Joneses, they are in debt up to their eyeballs.

That’s it for this market update brought to you by the CAD/CAM HERO. For expert help with buying or selling your CEREC system, call (844) 385-4376.